Our Programs

We offer programs that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health services with a focus on you rights.


Comprehensive Services

Comprehensive services guarantee women’s access to quality and warm services focusing on their rights in situations of high risk and obstetric emergencies in order to prevent morbidity and mortality.

We give our services with:


  • Women-centred care (comprehensive approach to medical and social psycho needs).
  • Respect for and implementation of the sexual and reproductive rights of women.
  • Bioethics
  • Charity
  • Equality
  • Autonomy
  • Fairness


The main objective of this program is to provide young people and adolescents with information, education, training, clinical and community care in sexual and reproductive health.

In each Center, the Cemoplaf adolescent program is developed in a way, where young people are captivated, motivated and trained as leaders.

These leaders become knowledge disseminators in their communities and schools. In the event of a need for specialized care, adolescents are referred to Cemoplaf friendly medical centres at discounted prices.

Mucha Nota

We know that for a long time and up to now, sexuality has been a hidden issue and one that there is little information or what little information there is, is the wrong information. So the program “MUCHA NOTA”, teaches about sexuality in a different way: it’s natural, it’s everyday, it’s part of our life.

“Mucha Nota” thinks about your needs and interests. So, no fears, no taboos, no value judgments, no impositions of what you should do or not, it tells you about sex, about changes in your body, about preventing pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections, about healthy relationships, violence and much more.